
Common Impacts and Needs

“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.” Nelson Mandela.

According to Mapping Connections: an understanding of neurological conditions in Canada, the report of the National Population Health Study of Neurological Conditions, individuals living with a brain condition share many of the same functional impacts and needs, regardless of diagnosis.

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Support Health System Innovations

“I moved from a beautiful country house to a small, one level duplex. I require assistance from the Community Care Access Centre via Red Cross home care three times per week. Also, I had visits and assistance from occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nurses and numerous other agencies.” Ryan T.

According to Mapping Connections: an understanding of neurological conditions in Canada, the report of the National Population Health Study of Neurological Conditions, Canadians living with a brain condition typically use more health care services than those without a brain condition, or those with other chronic conditions.

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A Difficult Balance: Letter From A Caregiver

Brain conditions have broadly impacted our family. Our 27-year-old daughter was diagnosed at age two with Rett syndrome. At age 38, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My husband’s grandmother spent her last years of life challenged by dementia and my own grandmother had Parkinson’s disease. I have also watched my cousin struggle to care for her son who has Prader Willi syndrome.

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Advocating for Caregiver Support

“I was becoming fully dependent on my spouse as my caregiver.” Kathryn S.

Services and supports provided by families and friends are an important component of care for people with brain conditions. Almost 40% of Canadians living with brain conditions across Canada receive care from family and friends.

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Lasting Life Changes

“And here is the upbeat part: the pills kick in and I walk out…” William P.

Imagine requiring the pills to “kick in” to have an upbeat moment in your day.  This situation is familiar to many Canadians living with Parkinson’s disease, a chronic condition that, like many other brain conditions, can compromise quality of life.  William tells a story of going to a restaurant with his family, struggling through the crowd in his wheelchair, navigating his way up three steps and to the elevator (the restaurant is on the third floor), finding an ‘out of order’ wheelchair accessible stall in the second floor bathroom, and finally, some reprieve…his pills kick in and he is able to walk out.

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